How many of you feel pity about Little Voice? How many of you try to do something for them? Live in the moment, the moment is now! Try to do something to Share not for myself only.
星期日, 7月 16, 2006
下午茶--tea time
I like to have a cup of tea or coffee with a cake for my tea time. I like to enjoy it alone sometimes.It's nice to think about nothing and talk to nobody just myself. I feel happy and relaxed. What did I do today? hmm.... Had a nice time with my LE partner and have a great tea time. And then.....go home and update some photos for my project.
星期六, 7月 15, 2006
看一部電影:50 first dates
Everyday is different....That's what makes life So Beautiful!
I didn't do a lot today, just slept a lot and went to campus again.To sit down under trees , have a cup of tea, reading and enjoy the wind brezzing. Enjoying the peaceful moment.
And then, I returned home and watched this movie-50 first dates.A funny but heartwarming movie.I laught a lot and cried a lot as well. I L.O.V.E this movie.
Are you curious about this movie? hmmmm....
Renting VCD and enjoy it then!
回家後,我看了這部電影,讓人狂笑的電影...恩 "狂笑"喔!!.... Amy狂笑起來很灑脫呢!~ 真是一部有趣的影片... 多有趣呢? 你自己去體會吧!! :)
Life is not only for being alive.Life is for experiences.Even you may cried a lot, laught a lot, feel happy, feel sad, feel depressed or have heartbreak. We have a chance to learn from life. Enjoy it ! Learning something from your life and grow up is a wonderful experience. (smilimg ^_^)
Everyday is different....That's what makes life So Beautiful!
I didn't do a lot today, just slept a lot and went to campus again.To sit down under trees , have a cup of tea, reading and enjoy the wind brezzing. Enjoying the peaceful moment.
And then, I returned home and watched this movie-50 first dates.A funny but heartwarming movie.I laught a lot and cried a lot as well. I L.O.V.E this movie.
Are you curious about this movie? hmmmm....
Renting VCD and enjoy it then!
回家後,我看了這部電影,讓人狂笑的電影...恩 "狂笑"喔!!.... Amy狂笑起來很灑脫呢!~ 真是一部有趣的影片... 多有趣呢? 你自己去體會吧!! :)
Life is not only for being alive.Life is for experiences.Even you may cried a lot, laught a lot, feel happy, feel sad, feel depressed or have heartbreak. We have a chance to learn from life. Enjoy it ! Learning something from your life and grow up is a wonderful experience. (smilimg ^_^)
星期四, 7月 13, 2006
昨天,請了一天假 跟朋友去養老院探訪一位女孩子,女孩子的外表比我所想像中的好很多,因為她曾經從7樓跳下來我一直不太能想像她現在會是什麼樣子,而我也不是一位富有想像力的人,從不想像一個人的外表或是型態,或許這樣子能更客觀的去感受一個人的個性吧!!
從互動與對話的過程中可以感受到她有著很重的保護色與強烈的自尊心,不過慶幸的是她能夠在我們面前落淚,而不是一直是強顏歡笑.... :) 這一點是Amy一直無法做到的,直到現在還是如此吧!如果可以坦率的落淚坦率的難過那也是一種幸福!!你說,是嗎? :)
不想對於她的家庭背景與受傷過程多家著墨,但是目前的她我想任何人看起來都會覺得不‧太‧一‧樣,對我而言是生理上的改變,我卻沒有因為如此而對她感到一種惋惜與可憐,或許曾經走過相似的過程,一種突然[失去]的過程,所以我所她分享的是非常實際的東西:如何照顧自己的身體狀況、如何申請相關輔具補助、如果用不一樣的方式繼續走下去.... 我送了一瓶我特調的按摩油給她,一片心意與分享,裡面含著我一份深深的祝福,希望她能找到另一個出口,享受屬於自己的人生風華。 :)
就我個人感覺而言,很多身心障礙的人會覺得自己的人生充滿許多的荊棘忐忑,會以為那些身體健康的人他們過著幸福快樂的日子,這是過度放大自己的短處,人們常常以為只有自己一方在承受的種種生命的歷練,其實 不然!
很多時候我們羨慕別人所擁有的,而忘了珍惜自己所還有的,舒不知那些別人所擁有的對於自己而言是想要的還是需要的,這是一個非常重要的課,只有自己能清楚明白 也只有自己能夠了解與成長,願 你能找到 你要的答案!
最進看了一部電影[before sunset愛在巴黎日落前],我一看再看,非常喜歡電影裡男女主角的對話,尤其是女主角的部分,如果你有機會,可以欣賞一下這部電影,非常歡迎任何人跟我分享心得喔!!
Making myself a cup of black tea is what I usually do before starting working. I like to have a cup of tea. Enjoying it slowly! I like the process and feel relaxed.It's a nice way to start a day, isn't it?
Yesterday, I visited a girl. She looks much better than my imagination. It's hard to image how she will be looked like because she jumped from the 7th floor 1 year ago.Well.....She is a lucky girl! I hope she will find her way to go on her life.
I did my best to share what I know but to tell her how to do or what to do. During the moment we shared, she cried and I felt happy about this. Because she wasn't pretend that she is brave.I hate people think I am brave.If you have a chance to choose you won't be dare to have mine. So... I was so happy and feel envy about this. For me, I can't cry in front of others. I hope someday I am able to show my sadness so directlly.
昨天,請了一天假 跟朋友去養老院探訪一位女孩子,女孩子的外表比我所想像中的好很多,因為她曾經從7樓跳下來我一直不太能想像她現在會是什麼樣子,而我也不是一位富有想像力的人,從不想像一個人的外表或是型態,或許這樣子能更客觀的去感受一個人的個性吧!!
從互動與對話的過程中可以感受到她有著很重的保護色與強烈的自尊心,不過慶幸的是她能夠在我們面前落淚,而不是一直是強顏歡笑.... :) 這一點是Amy一直無法做到的,直到現在還是如此吧!如果可以坦率的落淚坦率的難過那也是一種幸福!!你說,是嗎? :)
不想對於她的家庭背景與受傷過程多家著墨,但是目前的她我想任何人看起來都會覺得不‧太‧一‧樣,對我而言是生理上的改變,我卻沒有因為如此而對她感到一種惋惜與可憐,或許曾經走過相似的過程,一種突然[失去]的過程,所以我所她分享的是非常實際的東西:如何照顧自己的身體狀況、如何申請相關輔具補助、如果用不一樣的方式繼續走下去.... 我送了一瓶我特調的按摩油給她,一片心意與分享,裡面含著我一份深深的祝福,希望她能找到另一個出口,享受屬於自己的人生風華。 :)
就我個人感覺而言,很多身心障礙的人會覺得自己的人生充滿許多的荊棘忐忑,會以為那些身體健康的人他們過著幸福快樂的日子,這是過度放大自己的短處,人們常常以為只有自己一方在承受的種種生命的歷練,其實 不然!
很多時候我們羨慕別人所擁有的,而忘了珍惜自己所還有的,舒不知那些別人所擁有的對於自己而言是想要的還是需要的,這是一個非常重要的課,只有自己能清楚明白 也只有自己能夠了解與成長,願 你能找到 你要的答案!
最進看了一部電影[before sunset愛在巴黎日落前],我一看再看,非常喜歡電影裡男女主角的對話,尤其是女主角的部分,如果你有機會,可以欣賞一下這部電影,非常歡迎任何人跟我分享心得喔!!
Making myself a cup of black tea is what I usually do before starting working. I like to have a cup of tea. Enjoying it slowly! I like the process and feel relaxed.It's a nice way to start a day, isn't it?
Yesterday, I visited a girl. She looks much better than my imagination. It's hard to image how she will be looked like because she jumped from the 7th floor 1 year ago.Well.....She is a lucky girl! I hope she will find her way to go on her life.
I did my best to share what I know but to tell her how to do or what to do. During the moment we shared, she cried and I felt happy about this. Because she wasn't pretend that she is brave.I hate people think I am brave.If you have a chance to choose you won't be dare to have mine. So... I was so happy and feel envy about this. For me, I can't cry in front of others. I hope someday I am able to show my sadness so directlly.
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