「如果芳宜沒有跳舞 她會死」林懷民如是說,
「如果生命中沒有愛 我會死」我是這麼定義著我的生命態度。
所以 這個舞台 必須是更為簡單純淨 才能讓愛給的梗多給的更純粹
How many of you feel pity about Little Voice? How many of you try to do something for them? Live in the moment, the moment is now! Try to do something to Share not for myself only.
In 2006, the Nobel Committee did sometihing it bad never done before. It arwaded the Peace Prize to a successful banker. If this seem like an odd choice, then you don't know Dr. Muhammed Yunus. Yunus has devoted himself to helping people out of poverty.
Microcredit is his most important contribution to this cause. Yunus invested microcredit in his home country, Bangladesh. This country suffers from extreme poverty, and Yunus wanted to change things for the millions who who live without hope. To do so, he set up a new kind of bank and named it Grameen.
At Grameen, Yunus began offering microcredit, small loans that give the neediest people a chance to start up small business. Grameen, which means village or rural, now lends to 6.6 million people, 96 percent being women. Interest-free loands and life insurance are available for beggars. Although Grameen's custormers are the very poorest, it has made a profit in all about three years since it began. Yunus says, "In Bangladesh, where nothing works and there's no electricity, microcredit works like clockwork."
This system is so successful that over 100 countries --rich and poor alike--have adopted it. With milions able to xlimb out of poverty and live meaningful lives, this Nobel Peace Prize winner deserves his nickname Banker to the poor.