2006/8/5 下午 11:31
當我第一次看到這張照片,我的心突然像似被電擊般的颤抖,似乎所有生命中曾經所認為的[愛]瞬間變的渺小,我好想給她一個全然的擁抱,燃燒所有我的能量給她一份支持,好愛她喔!! 有一種愛不是得到,而是無求的付出不包含任何私有的期待與盼望! Ich liebe Dich so sehr!
Mother Teresa says she knows she can't solve the problem of human poverty. That problem must be left to politicians, scientists and economists to solve over the long term. But she can't wait that long. She knows there are too many people in the world whose lives are so devoid of dignity that they are barely human lives at all, and she must take care of them first.