How many of you feel pity about Little Voice? How many of you try to do something for them? Live in the moment, the moment is now! Try to do something to Share not for myself only.
星期日, 12月 02, 2007
星期二, 11月 13, 2007
星期四, 11月 08, 2007
A Poetic Feast--當秋光越過邊境

If I should go before the the rest of you,
Break not a flower nor inscribe a stone,
Nor when I'm gone speak in a Sunday voice,
But be the usual selves that I have known,
Weep if you must,
Parting is hell,
But life goes on,
So sing as well.
---------(Joyce Grenfell, 1910-1979)
星期一, 10月 08, 2007
A story WITH LOVE--Banker takes Nobel Peace Prize on Microcredit.
In 2006, the Nobel Committee did sometihing it bad never done before. It arwaded the Peace Prize to a successful banker. If this seem like an odd choice, then you don't know Dr. Muhammed Yunus. Yunus has devoted himself to helping people out of poverty.
Microcredit is his most important contribution to this cause. Yunus invested microcredit in his home country, Bangladesh. This country suffers from extreme poverty, and Yunus wanted to change things for the millions who who live without hope. To do so, he set up a new kind of bank and named it Grameen.
At Grameen, Yunus began offering microcredit, small loans that give the neediest people a chance to start up small business. Grameen, which means village or rural, now lends to 6.6 million people, 96 percent being women. Interest-free loands and life insurance are available for beggars. Although Grameen's custormers are the very poorest, it has made a profit in all about three years since it began. Yunus says, "In Bangladesh, where nothing works and there's no electricity, microcredit works like clockwork."
This system is so successful that over 100 countries --rich and poor alike--have adopted it. With milions able to xlimb out of poverty and live meaningful lives, this Nobel Peace Prize winner deserves his nickname Banker to the poor.
星期四, 9月 27, 2007
星期四, 9月 20, 2007
星期二, 8月 14, 2007
Liebe ist alles( IHZVJ)
Hast du mir ein Wort zu sagen
nur ein Gedanken dann
lass es Liebe sein
Kannst du mir ein Bild beschreiben
mit deinen Farben dann
lass Liebe sein
Wann du gehst wieder gehst
Schau mir noch mal ins Gesicht
sags mir oder sag es nicht
Dreh dich bitte nochmal um
und ich sehs in deinem Blick
Lass es Liebe sein lass es Liebe sein
Hast du nur noch einen Tag
nur eine Nacht dann
lass es Liebe sein
Hast du nur noch eine Frage
die ich nie zu fragen wage dann
lass es Liebe sein
Wann du gehst wieder gehst
Schau mir noch mal ins Gesicht
sags mir oder sag es nicht
Dreh dich bitte nochmal um
und ich sehs in deinem Blick
Lass es Liebe sein lass es Liebe sein
Das ist alles was wir brauchen
noch viel mehr als große Worte
Lass das alles hinter dir
fang nochmal von vorne an
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Alles was wir brauchen
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Alles was wir brauchen
Lass es Liebe sein
Das ist alles was wir brauchen
noch viel mehr als große Worte
Lass das alles hinter dir
fang nochmal von vorne an
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Liebe ist alles
Alles was wir brauchen
Lass es Liebe sein
Lass es Liebe sein
星期二, 7月 10, 2007
Gute Nacht! (Good night!)
Fremd zieh’ ich wieder aus.
Der Mai war mir gewogen
Mit manchem Blumenstrauß.
Das Mädchem sprach von Liebe,
Die Mutter gar von Eh’-
Nun ist die Welt so trübe,
Der Weg gehüllt in Schnee
Ich kann zu meiner Reisen
Nicht wählen mit der Zeit:
Muß selbst den Weg mir weisen
In dieser Dunkelheit.
Es zieht ein Mondenschatten
Als mein Gefährte mit,
Und auf den weißen Matten
Such’ ich des Wilder Tritt.
Was soll ich länger weilen,
Daß man mich tribe hinaus?
Laß irre Hunde heulen
Vor ihres Herren Haus!
Die Liebe liebt das Wandern,
Gott hat sie so gemacht-
Von einem zu dem andern-
Fein Liebchen, gute Nacht.
Will dich im Traum nicht stören,
Wär, schad um deine Ruh’ ,
Sollst meinen Tritt nicht hören-
Sacht, sacht die Türe zu!
Schreib’ im Vorübergehen
An’s Tor dir gute Nacht,
Damit du mögest sehen,
An dich hab’ ich gedacht.
星期五, 7月 06, 2007
星期四, 7月 05, 2007
星期三, 7月 04, 2007
About Taiwan!

星期二, 7月 03, 2007
星期一, 7月 02, 2007
2007.6.30 Taipei with B.e.n--<<-@
Wonderful trip of Taipei:LOVE and FRIENDSHIP

星期日, 6月 24, 2007
星期二, 6月 12, 2007
星期日, 6月 03, 2007
A love for life
your strength enveloping mine.
Autmn leaves falling,Scuffing feet and laughter,
sharing nights not finished by the dark.
I want to be your confidentas you pen your deepest thoughts,
as your heartaches bleed and finally break free.
Your dreams, I keep as if my own.
I want to smile as you smile,
and giggle with you about nothing at all.
This is the love for life.
I am not looking for a lover but someone to share my all and share his all with me.
星期日, 4月 22, 2007
星期四, 4月 19, 2007
Beauty of Amy
星期日, 4月 08, 2007
2007.4.7--Love, Freedom and Aloness

星期五, 4月 06, 2007
2007.4.6--What a wonderful day!
--Love and lust(情慾) are two different words that confuse most of us.
--Try, try and never say die.
--Time on task.
--More power to you. Don't let anything change your thinking.
--When in Rome, do what the Romans do.(入境隨俗) It means you need to adapt to your environment.
--"Please!" "Thank you!" and "Excuseme!" are three magical phrases that can make good things happen.
--"Be thankful" is a magic attitude that can make good things happen.
--Cheyenne teaches me "Maintain eye contact when you talk to an individual."
--Treat other people the way you want to be treated but don't let their rude behaviors make you down.
--I don't like it! Not a bit!一點也不!
--I had a marvelous time with Ty and Che.
--People hate sexually transmitted diseases.
--Mary is not a bimbo.行為不檢點的人
--"Learn, and do better. " That's life!
--Funny how men never used to cherish their girlfriends when they are still lovers.
--I will include you in my prayers. Hope you goes through the tough time.

Intervie with Israel Vice Prime Minister Peres:
You can't conquer science by killing people . What you have to do is educate your children, not to scarifice their lives. ---Peres
星期三, 4月 04, 2007
Self-Taught Artists Around the World Create Powerful and Unusual Art

Today, we travel to several countries exploring the world of Outsider Art. This powerful form of creative expression usually involves art made outside the limits and rules of official culture.
Often, outsider artists have not been formally trained. They use their skills to create visual examples of personal observations, invented worlds, and even severe mental conditions.
The Outsider Art movement has many names and forms. Experts debate about the differences between terms such as Naïve Art, Visionary Art, Folk Art, Intuitive Art and Outsider Art. It would be impossible to explain the entire debate, so we will just tell a few stories about some great artists. The art itself will explain what is special about these similar movements.
Mental health experts helped bring public attention to one form of outsider art. For example, in nineteen twenty-one, a Swiss doctor, Walter Morgenthaler published a book about the art of his patient, Adolf Wolfli. Mister Wolfli was one of the early outsider artists who received popular recognition. During his thirty-five years in a mental hospital in Switzerland, Mister Wolfli created twenty-five thousand pages of drawings and stories.
Adolf Wolfli was a poor farm worker who was placed in a mental hospital in eighteen ninety-five. He soon started making color drawings that he organized into books. For example, around nineteen twelve he finished a nine-book series called “From the Cradle to the Grave.” In this work Mister Wolfli turned his sad childhood into a magical travel story. He included detailed drawings of maps, creatures, rulers, and even talking plants to help capture this imaginary world. In other books, he recreated and renamed the world and universe. He described this world using songs, poetry, and drawings.
In the nineteen forties the French artist Jean Dubuffet discovered Mister Wolfli’s works and other artists like him. He called this kind of artwork “Art Brut” which is French for “raw art”. He described Art Brut as being created from pure and real creative forces. He saw outsider artwork as being free from the worries of competition and social acceptance that define the official art world. He argued that the official culture of museums, galleries and artists had lost its power. Art Brut, he said, was still true and powerful art. Jean Dubuffet soon started collecting this kind of art made by mental patients, prisoners and even children. In nineteen seventy-one he donated his personal collection of Art Brut to the city of Lausanne, Switzerland.
--------------------------from Amy-----------------------
星期一, 4月 02, 2007
The Two Fridas: The Joyous and Tragic Life of Frida Kahlo

揮灑烈愛 ─ 芙烈達的雙面人生

當芙烈達打著石膏躺在床上等待康復時,她父親送她一盒顏料及畫筆,鼓勵她作畫。透過繪畫,她找到一種自痛苦解脫的自由及表達自我的方式。芙烈達一生中忍受了 30 多次手術,身心皆受創。