About LOVE There are so many different PERFORMANCES to show and to perform. What is LOVE?
For children?
For adult?
For parents?
For lovers?
For countries?
For religions?
I was educated as as a female /a girl /as a woman/ as a Chinese /as a Taiwanese /as a Human Being?
What I think about What I want or What I need is from others not ME/Myself.The Same with LOVE.
Is it a thought?
Is it a feeling?
Is it a idea?
or is it Real?
For me, I am not sure about it. If my bf loves another girl does that means he doesn't love me? If SO... Love means to Control, to Occupy.... It's SCARY for ME to Occupy someone's live/life.
So.... What LOVE it is for AMY?
With joy
With delight
With Blessings
Is it possible without pain? without jealous? without hate and without Control?
I am still .... not sure about this yet. Because I am still trying to experience it to feel LOVE and to LOVE.
But I.... Myself.... is sure that.... LOVE is love.