I cherish what I have and know more how lucky I am, because of YOU.
But I
I can't say 'thank you'.
I WISH it's just a story
I WISH it's just a book
We know
It's a corner of the world
Happening somewhere NOW
Everyone has a 'GUN'
Even just to say something you can Kill or Help someone
Now ~
Think about... How to use your GUN?
If you are willing to.

看見一件漂亮的衣服 我會心動,
看到一雙美麗的鞋子 我會想要,
看到裝扮後可愛動人的自己 我會陶醉,
但是,想到你們的身影 我會放棄這些
我不能說 我沒了慾望
只是我多了一份慾望 與你分享我所擁有的!
I C'AN'T say
I am inappetent
When I see
beautiful clothes I want to have one
When I see
a nice pair of shoes I want to wear it
When I see
pretty Amy from a mirror it bewitched me
when I think about YOU
I Would GIVE UP these stuff
And I have a life with more delight
I C'AN'T say
I am inappetent
I CAN say
I have more desire
to share what I have with YOU.
電視廣告上"一顆流星畫過天空,那是鑽石。",從未曾想過鑽石是一滴滴媽媽的眼淚,是一個個破碎的心,{鑽石恆久遠.... 傷痛永留心!}。
現在的我,看到鑽是我會流淚.... 因為我知道大部分的鑽石來自非洲,是一顆顆媽媽的眼淚,如果你要送我鑽石,我會希望你把相同的價值把愛送的非洲,他們的笑容才是真正的寶石,一輩子都不可能忘記。
Diamonds are tears
If you know what is heppening in Africa
You would not think they are beautiful
They are tears from mothers
They are tears from children
If you know what is happening behind
You wouldn't want it so much
Don't collect TEARS as a sign of happiness.
I finished the book this morning. Be aware of so many things ...... I am just thinking .... just thinking.... What I wrote "越是無懼 越能給予",在我的現在與未來,我都該如何去實踐這個[夢想]?? 對我自己而言到底在人生每一步、每一秒鐘的當下.... 除了給予,我是不市還要能[接收]別人的給予而不害怕。
I will read this book again and again... something new will just 'show up', I believe!