About physical stuff, everyone has unique one. Everyday, everysecond, the body is changeing. Time doesn't matter. It just like growth ring s of trees. Growth of life. Only belong to every unique one.
Wrinkles are emblems. Recording the path you experienced.
For me, I think a smiling face with wrinkles is Very Beautiful. Live goes on and life just follow the path you took.
Enjoy wrinkles and smile for them.
Someday, I told a women"wrinkles are beautiful". I was so surprised to see tears in her eyes. She never thought someone tell her this. Everyone trys so hard to keep 'smooth' skin especially women.The moment I really want to give her a big hug and tell her I envy the beautiful wrinkles. I like to see wrinkles 'performace' when she is smiling. Sehr Schoen!
Look at the one who sleep with you. If you get close to her/him, look at her/himwith tender heartand give wrinkles a kiss. To appreciate who share the path you take.(smiling)