Mother Teresa
The rest 4% is a 'Sign' to remind me something and encourage me to share more with SOME people who really need it.
We know people
they are not reliable all the time
We know people
they are extremely selfish sometimes
Even so....
We still have to FORGIVE them
We are not sure if we were one of them next second
Somehow We can't KNOW that much about People
Only when we experienced more and we have more chances to know
I have a lot of "4%" ( maybe more than I can count )
They are part of life
They are bad memories , the past
They are scars , in life
They are Signs , the charm of life
I can't forget all or forgive all
Just know more about Truth.
Most of time/ All the time, we can't really Help others but share the beautiful things with them. Such as..a smile, a hug, or just stay with them. Struggles in everyone's life... means SOMETHING for the one.
I can say
I GIVE UP a lot of things ( I have to or I want to)
SO that I can really enjoy the very little things
even just SUNSHINE
even just LITTLE RAIN
even just a Smile
not big deal but necessary for life.
