How many of you feel pity about Little Voice? How many of you try to do something for them? Live in the moment, the moment is now! Try to do something to Share not for myself only.
星期五, 12月 29, 2006
星期四, 12月 28, 2006
before sunrise

Isn’t everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?
Sometimes I dream about being a good father and a good husband. And sometimes I feel really close. But then other times… it seems silly like it would ruin my whole life. And it’s not just a fear of commitment or that I’m incapable of caring or loving because I can.
It’s just that, if I’m totally honest with myself.. I think I’d rather die knowing that I was really good at something.
That I had excellent in some way…than that I had just been in a nice ,caring relationship.
I had worked for this old man, and once he told me that he had spent all of his life thinking about his career and his work. He was 52, and it suddenly struck him that he had never really given anything of himself. His life was for no one and nothing. He was almost crying say that.
You know. I believe if there’s any kind of GOD…it wouldn’t be in any of us, not you or me… but just little space in between. If there is any kind of magic in this world…. It must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something.
I know it’s almost impossible to succeed …but who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt.

To think about all roles I played or I am playing.....
My grandmother die at the year I had the opperation accident. I went through a VERY SPECIAL period of life. I lost my walking ability and someone I love and who loved me a lot as well. I don't know if she had a 'happy' life....?... But I know... she doesn't have a NICE/KIND relationship with grandpa. I don't know how to define their relationship...and SURE... I AM NOT ABLE To define it.
I saw a lot of people cring for her. BUT I... I just stopped myself crying for her. But... for me.... tears can't express my feeling of lost. kind of EMPTY for the position she had taken in my life. I carry her in my hear... even now.... I miss her a lot.

But for some people, there are no real good-byes. I think if you have a meaningful experience with someone else, a true communication, they are with you forever in a way.
We are all a part of each other in ways, we'll never know.
星期三, 12月 27, 2006
Handicapped people to travel in Europe.

Book Description
From train and rail pass skills to strategies for visiting open-air folk museums, who else but Rick Steves teaches travelers the skills they really need when traveling through Europe? Most guidebooks don't address the needs of travelers with limited mobility, but Rick Steves believes in comfortable and successful travel for everyone.
Rick Steves’ Easy Access Europe focuses on Amsterdam, Bruges, London, Paris, and the Rhine. It provides tips on getting around easily whether you're in a wheelchair or just need to walk slowly. America’s top authority on travel to Europe, Rick Steves has done the legwork, discovered the secrets, and made the mistakes — so travelers don't have to. Completely revised and updated, Rick’s time-tested recommendations for safe and enjoyable travel in Europe have been used by millions of Americans in search of their own unique European travel experience.
Sunshine for my life
星期二, 12月 26, 2006
Charlotte's Web--A lovely story

The confession touched me. " ...Because I like you..." is the most simple and beautiful reason for what they had shared with each other.
It's kind of childish LOVE. I like it so much.
星期日, 12月 24, 2006
星期四, 12月 21, 2006
星期二, 12月 19, 2006
星期一, 12月 18, 2006
星期二, 12月 12, 2006
星期四, 12月 07, 2006
星期日, 12月 03, 2006
星期六, 11月 18, 2006

星期六, 11月 11, 2006
星期五, 11月 10, 2006
星期一, 11月 06, 2006
What about LOVE?

2006/8/5 下午 11:31
當我第一次看到這張照片,我的心突然像似被電擊般的颤抖,似乎所有生命中曾經所認為的[愛]瞬間變的渺小,我好想給她一個全然的擁抱,燃燒所有我的能量給她一份支持,好愛她喔!! 有一種愛不是得到,而是無求的付出不包含任何私有的期待與盼望! Ich liebe Dich so sehr!
Mother Teresa says she knows she can't solve the problem of human poverty. That problem must be left to politicians, scientists and economists to solve over the long term. But she can't wait that long. She knows there are too many people in the world whose lives are so devoid of dignity that they are barely human lives at all, and she must take care of them first.
星期日, 11月 05, 2006
星期五, 11月 03, 2006
It's REAL so it's beautiful!

NOW! I am praying in my heart.
I wish to sleep well tonight.
Now! I am praying in my heart.
I wish to STOP the PAIN.
NOW! I am saying Goodnight to myself.
To give myself a bless and wish the dream will come true on time.
I went to bed early but can't sleep , because of the pain...
Can't stop it but wish it will stop as soon as possible.
星期二, 10月 31, 2006
I cherish what I have and know more how lucky I am, because of YOU.
But I
I can't say 'thank you'.
I WISH it's just a story
I WISH it's just a book
We know
It's a corner of the world
Happening somewhere NOW
Everyone has a 'GUN'
Even just to say something you can Kill or Help someone
Now ~
Think about... How to use your GUN?
If you are willing to.

看見一件漂亮的衣服 我會心動,
看到一雙美麗的鞋子 我會想要,
看到裝扮後可愛動人的自己 我會陶醉,
但是,想到你們的身影 我會放棄這些
我不能說 我沒了慾望
只是我多了一份慾望 與你分享我所擁有的!
I C'AN'T say
I am inappetent
When I see
beautiful clothes I want to have one
When I see
a nice pair of shoes I want to wear it
When I see
pretty Amy from a mirror it bewitched me
when I think about YOU
I Would GIVE UP these stuff
And I have a life with more delight
I C'AN'T say
I am inappetent
I CAN say
I have more desire
to share what I have with YOU.
電視廣告上"一顆流星畫過天空,那是鑽石。",從未曾想過鑽石是一滴滴媽媽的眼淚,是一個個破碎的心,{鑽石恆久遠.... 傷痛永留心!}。
現在的我,看到鑽是我會流淚.... 因為我知道大部分的鑽石來自非洲,是一顆顆媽媽的眼淚,如果你要送我鑽石,我會希望你把相同的價值把愛送的非洲,他們的笑容才是真正的寶石,一輩子都不可能忘記。
Diamonds are tears
If you know what is heppening in Africa
You would not think they are beautiful
They are tears from mothers
They are tears from children
If you know what is happening behind
You wouldn't want it so much
Don't collect TEARS as a sign of happiness.
I finished the book this morning. Be aware of so many things ...... I am just thinking .... just thinking.... What I wrote "越是無懼 越能給予",在我的現在與未來,我都該如何去實踐這個[夢想]?? 對我自己而言到底在人生每一步、每一秒鐘的當下.... 除了給予,我是不市還要能[接收]別人的給予而不害怕。
I will read this book again and again... something new will just 'show up', I believe!
星期一, 10月 30, 2006
It's not the most scary thing in my life

I don't feel ashamed of what I am under clothes. It's ME and I accept all.
What so-called GODs around the world are not in you or me. They are little space between you and me. If ... u can feel and you can love and be loved ... it's the place GOD stays for you.
I DO believe it!
smiling AMY.
星期四, 10月 26, 2006
Shayne Ward--A Better Man

星期三, 10月 25, 2006
Be aware of ?

I am staying in a silent place
Space out
No mind
so that
I could smile from the heart
to all of familiar faces around me
Be aware of
I took parent's love for granted
so that
I always cared why they couldn't protect me from the operation
Be aware of
parents are just OLD children
so that
I feel like to love them in different way now
Be aware of
No specific definition of lost
No specific definition of love
Sunshine is sunshine
I enjoy it
Storms are not so scary for me now
星期五, 10月 20, 2006
星期四, 10月 19, 2006
before sunset
under clothes or under the skin?

What can I do?
星期三, 10月 18, 2006
look at down side

They look upon and wish to reach the sky
If there is a chance
Look at down side
you see sky
you see sunshine
you see beautiful picture
All what you want are there
Just like..
look at those who have not much but trying so hard to alive
You know
You have ALL
I have ALL now
silent night in my heart
it's dark
but there is stars and moon light
they are
what I won't regret
I have ALL now
No tears on my face
but a moonlight smile
I am tired
but I am smiling.
Just feel like to tell A STORY
so that I CAN tell .
Life is beautiful.
Love is beautiful.
Smile is beautiful.
Tears are beautiful also.
It's a trip with colorful experiences