為什麼{我不應該是單身}的呢? 我比別人更想去問問你們大家的意見!! :)
曾經我自認為很愛很愛一個男孩,在我單純的大學生活中增添許多色彩,我從前一直不明白為什麼明明非常非常喜歡一個人,卻會不後悔的去幫他撮合另一個女孩,中間過程發生許許多多的事情,但是到現在還是[不後悔]。為什麼? 你若問我為什麼? 那我現在可以告訴你了,因為我找到了答案!
因為,對Amy來說愛情跟愛或許有著更大的交集,對我而言愛是一個大圓,非常非常大.... 比我張開的雙手還大,不是我可以擁抱或是觸摸的,是一份非常簡單、絕對、純粹的地帶。
如果說愛是一個大圓圈,沒有半徑沒有範圍,那愛情是另一個小圓,它的半徑因人而異,或許只是一個點點也或許是你雙手可以擁抱的範圍,那麼愛情包含在愛這個大圓裡面嗎? 對我而言:NO!
以前我心裡一直有著一個問號?? 好大好大的疑問句!
Love my love and love his love. It's lucky and happy!
Enrich life with FREEDOM.
About Love, including 2 circles-- one is called L.O.V.E, and another is called love (for lovers).
In one's life time, L.O.V.E is a invisible circle but you can feel it all the time and you have it all the time. But for love, it might be a little point or with a radius of opening hands. Depends! Only you know it.
There is a mixed area with 2 circles. How big area is means differet kinds of love relationship. The bigger the more freedom and joy. To really appreciate someone you love doesn't means limit his love to other women/men.
It's luck to run into some people you want to love and it's a happiness to fall in love with them. They enrich someone's life. To appricate it and give them blessings. We face a lot in a day--some are good and some are bad--it's life. If you compress a life in a day, every second means a lot for a person. What will you do? and How will you go on the Day/Life?
With joy, with delight, with happiness........ For me AMY!
I want to and will to go on the DAY with FREEDOM.
No Line!